Thursday, April 18, 2013


We've been busy round here..really busy. Warmer weather is coming..finally! We've been enjoying spending time on the covered porch and being outside without a coat.

One of the things that calms me most is drawing. Doodling really, mindless patterning. It makes me feel good, my hands just work and I play with line or color and don't really think about anything 'real' like my to-do list. My mind ponders bigger questions, or I listen well, or I just get lost in working the paper. It's bliss.

My favorite motif as of late have been links. I don't think of the ropes of links as chains, I see the links as individuals tied together. I don't know why, but as I'm drawing it makes a difference. Braids are similar, and I've also done pieces with links and braids together. These are the latest, two marker drawings (one's not done yet) and a watercolor. These are 11x17.

I love this house, the change in weather, the daffodils blooming in the back yard. It's a lovely spring.