Monday, March 11, 2013

Vintage is Better: Caffeine

Finally...after 38 years, several coffee pots and lots of bad cups of joe later, I have figured out how to make a good cup of coffee consistently. I even bought a Keurig several years ago so I could offer guests something drinkable. No longer!

It's my coffee pot. I bought a corningware nine cup percolator at an estate sale. Just fill with cool water to the waterline marking the amount you want, add the metal basket and scoop in one tablespoon for every cup, and set over medium low heat. Then wait. The coffee will boil and perk over the grounds, giving you delicious results. You can see how strong the brew is by looking at the boil in the glass bubble in the lid. I can also smell when it's done. Yummmmm!

It's way better than any electric drip coffee maker I ever used. It doesn't use filters either- the grounds stay in the metal basket. No waste, and it cleans up in a snap.

I am on the hunt for a four cup with a ceramic spout- as it seems these were eventually recalled in the 70s as the handle could become separated from the pot. There's not that issue with the four cup percolators.

Still- I love this coffeepot dearly!

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